‘Talk That Talk’ – snippets!

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One of the online music stores released snippets to all songs from ‘Talk That Talk’. You can check them out below. Make sure to buy your copy of the album on November 21st.

Site news:
Site news:
Hey guys, thank you for visiting our site. We try so hard to keep you updated and to add new images daily. We also want to add HQ and more photos from photoshoots, events, candids etc. But we need money to do that. I can assure you that all the money you donate will go on improving, upgrading our website. I would love you to help us with that since we’re students and we already spent money on this website. Even $1 dollar is great. Sorry for asking for money, it was the last thing we would ask for but we want our website to bring you the best stuff all the time.

About Post Author


I am a fan since 2005, a stan since 2007. She is empowering, daring, fearless and anything anyone always dreams to be in their lives. She also makes amazing music and never fails to surprise her fans.

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