Rihanna’s new long hair look inspired by “ELLE” Fashion Assistant on Cover Shoot

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ELLEUK.com — Esperanza De La Fuente: My job that day: travel to Paris, assist Anne-Marie Curtis on our Rihanna cover shoot for the April Issue. A hard job but somebody had to hang out with the lady herself and help her in and out of outfits all day. I have since become a fan.
When I’d ask Rihanna to put one of her own River Island designs on she’d respond with things like, “you are so (effing) cute”.
‘Cute?’ I remember thinking; my hair a mess, my jumper full of clips and safety pins — the uniform of a fashion assistant — and way too tired to feel even slightly cute. But hey, rihanna doesn’t tell you that everyday right?
At some point she asked if her hairdresser could take a few pictures of my hair as she really liked it…”I am gonna copy your hair, haha” she said. And I laughed too.
My surprise in the new year? A degrade effect long haired Rihanna showing up in every picture or paper I pick up, and the only thing I can think about is how proud is my hairdresser gonna be back in Madrid.

About Post Author


I am a fan since 2005, a stan since 2007. She is empowering, daring, fearless and anything anyone always dreams to be in their lives. She also makes amazing music and never fails to surprise her fans.

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