Earlier this week, Rihanna broke the Internet with her iconic Crop Over Festival outfit. The Carnival Queen, who has attended Kadooment Day in her native Barbados four times, donned a custom beaded two-piece, replete with flashing jewels and statement hoop earrings that dangled like chandeliers, with a neon-soaked kaleidoscope of feathers in tow. And then there was that wig—rendered in bold cobalt blue, matched to her carefully sculpted nails, and capped with an ornate crown of plumes that framed her extreme lashes and pastel lips.
With the highly anticipated launch of her Fenty Beauty makeup line next month, it’s hard to imagine this isn’t one big celebration for what’s to come. For now, an exclusive look at the beauty renegade’s behind-the-scenes prep offers a glimpse at what it takes to pull off the ultimate BadGal transformation. There are never-before-seen snapshots of her headdress, piles of glittering accessories, and, of course, the singer herself, standing in front of the mirror and carefully placing her face jewels. Amid a serene background of glimmering friends and festival-goers, it’s a day just like every other: It’s all eyes on Rih.
Source: Vogue