Rihanna on her way to Detroit

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Rihanna was spotted leaving her New York City apartment earlier today. She is on her way to Detroit where she will perform with Eminem today and tomorrow. These concert are the last The Monster Tour concerts.
| 22 August ~ Rihanna leaving her apartment in New York | 16 photo(s).

DETROIT CONCERT: With both a Lions game and the Eminem, Rihanna MONSTER concert going on downtown, Olympia Entertainment is advising fans to get in early. In a post on their Facebook page, Olympia Entertainment says they are expecting high traffic volumes. They also say that all ODM parking lots will open at 3:00 p.m. both today and tomorrow for concert traffic.

Local parking is available on a first come, first serve basis and lot prices vary by location. Traffic is expected to be especially bad, because of closures from M-1 Rail construction. Woodward is closed between Adams Street and Gratiot Avenue. Adams runs parallel with the rear wall over Comerica Park.

About Post Author


I am a fan since 2005, a stan since 2007. She is empowering, daring, fearless and anything anyone always dreams to be in their lives. She also makes amazing music and never fails to surprise her fans.

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