Rihanna for Esquire’s “Sexiest Woman of 2011”

Check out the behind the scenes video from Rihanna’s photoshoot for Esquire magazine. I can’t wait to see the photos!

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I am a fan since 2005, a stan since 2007. She is empowering, daring, fearless and anything anyone always dreams to be in their lives. She also makes amazing music and never fails to surprise her fans.

10 thoughts on “Rihanna for Esquire’s “Sexiest Woman of 2011”

  1. She may be a natural beauty… but she uses it as if she were a slut… that’s cheap and fake entertainment…
    What’s wrong with those that voted for her to have a status like this…

  2. Finally, I’ve been saying this for years. She is a very hot woman and she has a very beautiful voice. I love Rihanna

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