Of all the types of fashion event, the lingerie show is the surely the most staid. When you think of bras and panties on the runway, they’re generally presented in the same way they have been for decades, aka supermodels with six packs wearing push-up bras and heels. The formula still works on occasion—hello, Victoria’s Secret!—but in an age defined by inclusivity, body positivity, and a sensuality sans gender labels, the concept could use a reboot.
That’s exactly what Rihanna offered tonight with her forward thinking collection for Savage x Fenty. Presented at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and featuring some of the moment’s buzziest models, street cast newcomers, and an array of dancers it was an edgy alternative to standard ideas about what sexy is.
Though Fenty veterans and bonafide smokeshows Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and Joan Smalls made an appearance, there was no rigidity when it came to the standard of beauty. Models of all sizes, ages, and ethnicities were on hand looking phenomenal. A pregnant Slick Woods bared her belly walking in pasties and little else. Paloma Eissner showed her curves in a skimpy bustier with interpretive dancers prowling in the background.
Cast by Piergiorgio Del Moro, that lineup reflected a modern sensibility that carried the message of fashion for all. The show ended with Duckie Thot wearing transparent tulle and a smile. Then Rihanna took her bow, wrapping NYFW with bad gal flavor and the best cast of the season.
Via Vogue