At the press junket for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan sit with Access Hollywood and Cara talks about working with Rihanna. Cara, who has been a friend of Rihanna for five years, says that working with Rihanna on set was fun and it was wonderful to watch her encompass that character and really become Bubble.
In her recent interview with Elle, Cara also mentioned Rihanna and how authentic she is.
“She’s always herself. We’ve been friends for five or six years. The first time we met, I was a model doing the Victoria’s Secret show and she was performing. Five years later, we’re both doing a Luc Besson film. It’s such a great thing to be able to do this with a friend. The thing is, about her and her performing, is she is so authentically like that. She is just that way. The way that she plays Bubble is kind of perfect, because she can really be anything that someone desires. Watching her work with Luc [Besson] was amazing. There was a moment when he said, ‘Okay, so how do I make her vulnerable? Pretend your album doesn’t do well.’ And she was like, ‘You clearly don’t know how to make me upset, because I wouldn’t give a shit.'”