Ariana Grande shout outs Fenty Beauty on new album

Ariana Grande shout outs Fenty Beauty on new album

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If you are not yet convinced of Fenty Beauty’s impact, just listen to Ariana Grande’s new album. What other beauty brand got a shout out on one of the hottest pop girls new album? Well, nobody else. Just Fenty Beauty. It is just another proof of the impact Rihanna’s beauty brand has.

Highlight of my life, just like that Fenty Beauty kit

Ariana Grande on make up from Thank you, next

Ariana hinted at this shout out in January after Fenty Beauty sent her well, the kit. Ever since not only Ariana’s but also Rihanna’s fans were more than excited to hear the song from Grande’s new album.

Listen to make up and let it be the highlight of your day.

About Post Author


I am a fan since 2005, a stan since 2007. She is empowering, daring, fearless and anything anyone always dreams to be in their lives. She also makes amazing music and never fails to surprise her fans.

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